What is physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy has been officially recognized in Switzerland as a paramedical profession since 1966. It is both the heir of very old techniques and the beneficiary of the most recent scientific acquisitions. Physiotherapy refers to the World Health Organization's (WHO) definition that health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Any disturbance occurring in a specific region of the body may manifest itself as tensions or deformations in any other part of the body.
The human body is an entity in which structure and function are mutually and reciprocally interdependent.
By definition, physiotherapy is a discipline aimed at the prevention, maintenance, and optimal functional restoration of a person's physical abilities throughout their life. Physiotherapy treats individuals of all ages (individually or in groups) and intervenes when bodily functions and movements are hampered by pain, stiffness, paralysis, and other organic disorders or illnesses, as well as by the consequences of an accident or poor posture.
At Access Physio, we offer a whole range of specializations:
Classic, sports, pediatric physiotherapy, and home intervention
Manual therapies: Dry Needling, lymphatic drainage, sports massages, and relaxation
Coaching for physical preparation and maintenance
Prevention and well-being activities: ergonomics, back school/gym, hypo-impressive abdominal gymnastics, group and individual yoga classes.
General physiotherapy
The different stages of physiotherapy treatment are: examination of the patient, establishment of a physiotherapeutic diagnosis, objectives of treatment, planning, intervention and monitoring of results.
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Sports physiotherapy
Sports physiotherapy is a discipline that is an integral part of sports medicine. Its growing importance in high-level, but also mass, sport is mainly linked to the demands and constraints of modern and competitive sport.
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Lymphatic drainage
This is a physical therapy that stimulates relief to prevent and treat the appearance of edema, stasis, and swelling.
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Ericksonian hypnosis is a gentle technique, based on communication that allows you to explore and mobilize the numerous resources that each person possesses deep within themselves. The objective is to reconnect with oneself to achieve a desired objective by revealing new possibilities, a change.
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Dry Needling
Dry Needling is an effective complement to manual trigger point therapy. We prick very precisely in the trigger points which causes the current complaints with disposable acupuncture needles in good hygienic condition. The tension is resolved, vascularization is improved and local infection is reduced.
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Physical therapies
Different manual therapies are offered to you at the Access Physio practice depending on your needs:
sports and relaxing massages
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Coaching - Physical preparation
We carry out tests of flexibility, strength, endurance, and measurement of body mass (body mass index: percentage of fat, bones, muscles, etc.). Depending on the results, we put in place programs and monitoring of sports training.
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Reflexology & Massage therapy
Foot reflexology is a manual therapy that can treat a disorder by observing it in its context, that is to say in relation to the individual as a whole. The benefits of reflexology include, among other things, providing relaxation and deep relaxation, releasing stress and nervous tension, and energizing the body with the harmonization of vital functions.
Massage therapy has effects that can be calming or energizing, can decrease nervous excitability, relieve conditions caused by stress (including back pain, migraine, exhaustion, and insomnia), increase blood circulation and lymphatic, and lead to a state of general well-being. It also has other therapeutic applications.